Sunday, August 27, 2006

My mother in Apeldoorn has had a suspected minor stroke a few days ago and at this moment she is in hospital for observation. She had a cold and a lung infection after the hot weather of May and June and at 87 she needs time to recover. So we have changed our travel plans in Holland and hope that family and friends will understand that my mother's care is a priority at this moment.
Meanwhile we are getting pictures from Leah and Tim up north in Roeburne and I will try to upload the one we received today.
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What a cutie! Look at those dimples - can't wait to give him a cuddle in October :) (Monty that is he he)
Thinking of Oma - hope she is better soon, and hope you had a FANTASTIC Birthday Tanneke :) lots of wishes from Bas and me xox
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Thinking of Oma - hope she is better soon, and hope you had a FANTASTIC Birthday Tanneke :) lots of wishes from Bas and me xox
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