Tuesday, October 17, 2006
15.10.2006 Bas and Renee are getting married

Here are the first photos of the weekend wedding. There are heaps more if you click on the link to "rock'nhorse" on the left.
The group picture is a bit dark, but you can see from L>R: Leah, Tim, Lieke, Andrew, Mrs.RJ de Waard (Renee), Mr.BL de Waard, Imogen and Daan.(they were the official photographers, taking more than 1300 fotos)

We had the most wonderful wedding, the sun was out, the setting on the lawn of a beach bungalow near the ocean was simply superb! With a civil celebrant doing the official honours, almost 40 people witnessed this wonderful couple tieing the knot. We all stayed for the weekend in surrounding luxury cottages and went out for a wonderful and well organised lunch on Sunday. Bas and Renee were able to stay an extra day and now they are back in Perth. Bas is getting ready to leave for Norway next Monday and Renee will follow him in the first week of December.
It was great to see Tim, Leah and Montana coming down from the North to be part of all this.
Montana was the centre of attention, he is now 9 months old and walks along the table.