Thursday, November 02, 2006
We are back in Australia, for a few weeks in:

Subiaco in fact! Daan and Imogen are renting a friend's terrace house and they have offered us a room! It is wonderful to experience inner city living for a change: shops, bank and railway station are within walking distance. It certainly is a complete contrast to the camping trip we are about to begin.
Daan and Imogen are getting ready to spend a week in Dubai, work and holiday. From there, Daan will fly to Capetown for a week's course.
Bas has arrived in Norway and Honeywell did not waste any time to get him started. Meanwhile Renee is packing their belongings and organising the rental of their home; she will leave for Norway during the first week of December.
Our days are spent sorting administration, taxation, lease contracts for the garage, shopping for the trip, testing the new camper trailer, making repairs and alterations to the Landcruiser, seeing doctors and dentists and sorting out insurances. I have re-joined the gym and go there three times per week. It was great to see so many old friends again. The same for the chorus (Vocal Evolution), they are getting stronger and better all the time. I will try to add another blog just before we leave.