Tuesday, December 12, 2006
December 13, we leave Perth, going south.

First one weekend and now a week at a different place, our camper trailer has passed all tests and we are ready to go. Harry and Leonie were kind enough to lend us a camping spot at their property, but still with the backup of a room in their house.
Here we see Harry taking out the recycle bin, their driveway is a long hike and Harry loves his multi-function tractor.
The second picture shows the camper setup complete with awning and tropical roof (and Harry's trailer) On the side of the tent is a fridge, which is now semi-permanently bolted to the floor of the Landcruiser; it runs on 240 or 12 Volt. The Cruiser also has a new CD player, an inverter to make 240 Volt for charging camera and torch batteries, a powerful HF radio which allowed me to talk to another traveler near Adelaide (2500 km away), a UHF-CB radio to communicate with truckies, caravaners and other road users and an EPIRB for a disaster situation, which sends out a satelite signal like SOS. When it works OK, rescue teams are supposed to start looking for us........ (Emergency Position-Indicating Radio Beacon)

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Hello over there
Time goes by so rapidly. Not much of winter was left when I got back and spring was sprung. Summer is gone and winter is back. I am Sorry for the delay in writing you and feel badly about it. My thoughts find you often. Your family was so lovely to me and I thank you very much for it. Your blog is fantastic it is so wonderful to be able to keep up with you guy’s. Seeing your plans come to fruit must be rewarding beyond words. Selling your home and business to travel for a yr is brilliant. . I have to say you are living the life I want. One day I hope to do the same. This yr has flown by faster than most and had some pretty crazy days to enjoy. I have been on the move more than ever. It is my nature not to be sitting for to long. Do not worry about dust settling on me. I rarely have time to myself; which is not good at times either. Oh well it is what it is. Possibility place is doing very well this season money and employ wise to. Family is all good. My brother is not getting married now (thank god), and purchased a house. He’s about 5 min away from my house. I still do not see him all that much but it is nice to have him so close. P’s are happy and in good health. Talking about coming your way this time next yr. Grandma is also well. Thanksgiving was not to long ago and she put on all the fixings. 15 of use in all. I told grandma about your plans to travel for one yr and she hopes you can make it to the states. She said she is not getting any younger. She is still hanging in there although her ability to get around is not the best. Sounds like things are going happily a long for you and family. I miss Tanneke’s cooking. Although I have it pretty good here but more is always better when it comes to food. I wish you guys the best of luck on your trip, and hope to see you sooner than later. Please tell everyone hello from me and that they are always welcome to come to this side of the world.
Ps. I will keep the emails coming and send some pics as well
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Time goes by so rapidly. Not much of winter was left when I got back and spring was sprung. Summer is gone and winter is back. I am Sorry for the delay in writing you and feel badly about it. My thoughts find you often. Your family was so lovely to me and I thank you very much for it. Your blog is fantastic it is so wonderful to be able to keep up with you guy’s. Seeing your plans come to fruit must be rewarding beyond words. Selling your home and business to travel for a yr is brilliant. . I have to say you are living the life I want. One day I hope to do the same. This yr has flown by faster than most and had some pretty crazy days to enjoy. I have been on the move more than ever. It is my nature not to be sitting for to long. Do not worry about dust settling on me. I rarely have time to myself; which is not good at times either. Oh well it is what it is. Possibility place is doing very well this season money and employ wise to. Family is all good. My brother is not getting married now (thank god), and purchased a house. He’s about 5 min away from my house. I still do not see him all that much but it is nice to have him so close. P’s are happy and in good health. Talking about coming your way this time next yr. Grandma is also well. Thanksgiving was not to long ago and she put on all the fixings. 15 of use in all. I told grandma about your plans to travel for one yr and she hopes you can make it to the states. She said she is not getting any younger. She is still hanging in there although her ability to get around is not the best. Sounds like things are going happily a long for you and family. I miss Tanneke’s cooking. Although I have it pretty good here but more is always better when it comes to food. I wish you guys the best of luck on your trip, and hope to see you sooner than later. Please tell everyone hello from me and that they are always welcome to come to this side of the world.
Ps. I will keep the emails coming and send some pics as well
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